What inspired you to apply to be on the show?
Marriage for me is something I always envisioned as a part of my life along with having children. Having an amazing husband, children, career – for me that’s the meaning of LIFE!
Which bride/groom do you relate to the most from Season 1, and why?
I feel like in some ways I can relate to Cortney. She was very open about the whole experiment, falling in love and not being selfish anymore. She’s very close with her family and even though her family didn’t agree, she knew that the experiment would be the right thing for her. My family is the opposite from hers. They were totally supportive of me but even if they weren’t, I would have gone for it anyway because I knew getting married was the right decision for me. Cortney is also very strong and passionate.
What were your first impressions when you met your spouse at the altar?
My first impressions were: 1. He is obviously good looking. 2. He has amazing support because his whole side of the room was filled up just like mine was. 3. He is caring — as we stood up on the altar facing each other; he kept caressing my hand which made me feel like everything would be okay.
What were your first 24 hours like with your spouse?
The first 24 hours with my spouse was kind of magical. Our reception was amazing. Our families got along so well, everyone was enjoying themselves and Ryan and I were having lots of conversation. Our photo session was a bit awkward but not over the top weird. When we went to our hotel room after the reception, we were all over each other as if we had known each other for years. Waking up next to him was great and then having brunch with our families right in our suite, was just the icing on the cake.
What was one of the most important qualities that you told the experts you were looking for in a spouse?
The most important quality that I was looking for in a spouse was that he was VERY family orientated. Not a momma’s boy but someone who has an amazing relationship with their mother and family.
What’s the biggest thing that you took away from the Married at First Sight experiment?
For me communication has always been something to hold me back and I know now that it’s ok to speak up, and it’s ok to say what you need to say. Communication is 100% KEY in any relationship especially marriage.
What is your favorite/funniest “bad date” story? What happened on the date?
Oh dear, my favorite I have to laugh at “bad date” has to be the one that my best friend and her fiancée set me up on a few years back. So first off the guy comes to pick me up in his work clothes, mind you it was not a suit and tie kind of wardrobe, more like “Hey I work as a corrections officer at the nearest jail” and that’s exactly where he worked. So he came in his dirty clothes, no shower, not even a t-shirt change. We head over to the restaurant which is located on the second level so he says “ladies first” as I am walking up the steps to the restaurant he says “DAMN!” I turn around and he was pretty much drooling and referring that “DAMN” to my rear end. Umm can we say embarrassing? By the time we got to our table I was completely turned off. And if that didn’t make things any worse, he sat there and had what looked like an amazing meal, licking his fingers and all. When it was finally time to go home (Thank God!) he walks me to my door and asks for a kiss! When I responded “No,” he insisted about two more times. I was completely over this date. Thanked him for dinner and left him standing there without a kiss!
What is your biggest turn-off in a potential partner? Biggest turn-on?
My biggest turn-off in a potential partner is a smoker, a liar and a cheater. My biggest turn-on in a potential partner is someone who is caring, funny, family oriented, career driven and humble.
Is there anything else about you that not a lot of people know about, but you wish they did?
I have been out of my parent’s house since I was 18 and I have been working since I was 14. I bring this up because I’ve met a lot of people who judge me and think that I have always been dependent on a man to support me. One time, an acquaintance asked me where I lived with my boyfriend, when in fact I didn’t even have one at the time. I asked this man why he would even assume I had a boyfriend. He’s response was quick: “You look like the type of girl that would want a man to support you.” I literally laughed in his face and told him he knew nothing about me because I am FAR from that girl. Never judge a book by its cover!