“I live in a tour bus!”
This was the bombshell that Tom had been hiding from Lillian while they enjoyed their fairytale honeymoon that left the couple beyond smitten on this week’s Married at First Sight episode. With such strong chemistry, it’s not too surprising that he’d want to hold off on going into detail about his unique living arrangements.
Since the premiere, we’ve known that Tom loves his bus. To know Tom is to know Tom’s bus (which is beautiful), but the bus served as more than just a home, it also allowed Tom to get a glimpse into the character of other people based on their reaction to his tiny home.
Has his living arrangement been a problem in past relationships? “It’s a nice filter, I guess,” he explained. “If people judge me solely based on where I live, then I don’t need them in my life.”
This also plays into what Tom was looking for in a spouse when talking with the show experts. The tour bus tenant asked for a person with “a sense of humor, a caring spirit, and someone who’s adventurous.”
Tom’s use of the bus to eliminate those that are quick to judge is a valid argument for his relationships pre-MAFS (a show he had never heard of before), but as a married man, he’s receptive to change and progress with his spouse.
“I’m very open to living situations,” he said. “I’ll do what I have to, to be the best husband I can be.”
And how did Lillian respond to Tom? You’ll have to join them on the road to happiness to find out. Check out “For Richer or Poorer” and catch up on Married at First Sight Season 4 now!